Monday, May 28, 2012

Broken puzzles

I made the mistake as most of us do. I gave a huge portion of my heart to someone I believed deserved it. I believed he would treasure it, protect it. If only we realized a human being isn't capable of making our hearts whole, right? I knew the Word and my parents had taught me to guard my heart. But as a lot of us girls do, we let our guard down for the knight in shining armor. Words of affirmation, gifts, butterflies. In no way do I believe these things are not good, oh they are. Your heart allows you to enjoy life and other's to enjoy you. It isn't meant to be locked away. In no way is that what God tells us. Our hearts were created for these things. God designed a girl's heart for these things. Love, romance, the desire to possess beauty.
When we are young we twirl around in skirts. Then we spend hours trying to straighten the curls our of our hair. Then we look in the mirror and tell ourselves, "I am not beautiful. Who am I fooling?" So we resort to what the world has taught us. We starve ourselves, or maybe we dress desperate to be admired, maybe we give our body away to feel loved if only for moments. Or maybe, we're giving away our heart.
 But the problem is, our hearts weren't made to give away to the knight-the football star, the musician, they are to be cherished by your Creator. To be able to grow and feel. There is no man that can make it whole again. Our husbands will win our hearts through time and care. But they aren't meant to carry it. We turn to the world's ways for healing.

 Your heart is special. Realize how much value it has.

 The world has lots of ways to attempt to mend it. But isn't it obvious it only numbs it? I don't want to be numb, and deep down, neither do you. I hope as you have read this your heart will realize that life is glorious. And with the Maker of All Things you don't have to spend life with your heart locked away in a chest, clinging to it with fear. There is hope. But even better, there is love.

"But perfect love cast out all fear" - 1 John 4:18

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