Monday, June 4, 2012

Jagged pieces

I hand over my heart, it's broken and barely held together. I cry like a toddler losing sight of their mother as she drops them off. Knowing I will see it again, but not wanting to let it go. The Healer takes it and holds it, and looks into my teary eyes. He didn't tell me to stop crying, or to be strong. He didn't tell me I was weak. He loved me. He cared for me. I was familiar with Him, and felt adored in His presence. Pure, able. He held my heart and rubbed His sweet hands smoothing out the jagged edges. Healing the deep wounds it possessed. Not all of them, though, He said the Journey wasn't over yet, and there was more healing to come. I sat at His feet and let my tears of pain, shame, joy,  and relief wash His feet. He told me my tears were not worthless to Him. In fact; very precious. I looked up at Him and realized I was sitting in damp sand with a ocean behind Him. My very favorite place on Earth. He knew that. And in these beautiful moments, I remember where my hope lies. In You.

"Slowly now, we are becoming whole"

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