Thursday, August 1, 2013

A New Chapter Begins

Hello, from David and Eliza. We have just returned from a great adventure. We stayed in a beautiful little Ecuadorian town called Cotacachi with David's wonderful parents , who have played a huge role in my life for the past year. We saw many magical things, from waterfalls to volcanos, to beautiful jungles to the Andes Moutains. We spent a week in this amazing country, head over heels for each other and God's extravagance around us. The day before my (Elizabeth) birthday we went to Cascada De Peguche, a glorious waterfall that leff you and everyone around you at a loss for words. We hiked up a little trail and enjoyed the view from a gazebo, and then went back down to our guide to ask him for some photos in front of the waterfall. Little did I know, David was asking our friendly tour guide Pato for lots of pictures. And told him he was going to propose. In Spanish! Good thing I couldn't remeber any of those words.. We took a walk for what David said felt like a dream to go stand on the rock. David held me close, telling me I am his best friend. And wanted me to be forever. I hugged him and said "of course I will." Next thing I knew David kneeled down on one knee,and I Elizabeth Harris thought we were posing for a photo and attempted to sit down.. Oh blondes.. David told me to stand up (ugh) and then, I realized what was taking place. David took my hand and asked me to marry him, over the rushing water noises I heard his shakey voice and didn't or couldn't even think and said " yes, yes, yes!" I calmed my nerves and happy tears enough to let David lift me off the rock, after the best hug and kiss of my life. Least to say, the best day of our lives. Neither of us had much dating experience before the other, and what a blessing that's been. It's overwhelming to think the first kiss I ever had is the same man that will give me my last. What an emotional and beautiful gift.He has become the love I prayed for, and my closest friend. I have never been so happy in my entire life. All the sudden, random spurts of the day, I'm crying happy tears, absolutely overwhelmed that God is so aware of our heart's desires. And truly LOVES us. I encourage all you readers that are not married, realize what true love is. It waits. It seeks the other before oneself. It challenges and teaches, grows and inspires. Once Jesus, and only Jesus can teach you what this love is, you will understand what your mate should treat you as. Beyond gold. Priceless. This man has changed the big and small details of my life, and my heart. If you know my story of the last year, my family has undergone some very painful, and hard changes. Not even a month before, I started dating my first boyfriend. In a time of hurt, and sadness a bundle of joy showed up in his old Mercedes praying for me and with me. We quickly fell madly in love, giving over our hearts, I espeically. And instead of crushing it, neglecting it, he has cherished it far beyond what I knew a HUSBAND ( still freaking out saying that word) ever could. Deciding to keep our relationship pure, and romantic has blessed us both deeply. Jesus is all about relationships, and it's incredible what He can do through another, especially one you love. What an incredible journey we have had, and even better what awaits. Thank you for all your encouragement, prayers, love and wisdom to us both. We have lisented and will continue to. We are beyond excited for our adventure to begin. - David and the future Mrs. Tyler

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